International Car Rental Show To Proceed, With Itinerary Changes

Travel restrictions alter Vegas show lineup and workshop series
The International Car Rental Show, in response to precautions surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, has had to make changes in its schedule before the event takes place March 22-24 at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas. Fortunately, the show will go as scheduled, say organizers.
Europcar deputy CEO Fabrizio Ruggiero has had to bow out of the event’s opening keynote address, after travel bans made it impossible for him to book flights to the Las Vegas engagement. Ruggiero is already being penciled in to speak at the ICRS in 2021, per the organizers. The Europcar depuy CEO has plenty of experiences and information to share about how the company has adjusted to changing economic and social conditions in Europe.
In his place will be two high-ranking officials from marketing firm J.D. Power, which has had considerable experience in the travel industry. In particular, Michael Taylor and Jennifer Corwin will offer their expertise in the new keynote address topic Using customer experience to develop a competitive strategy in the new rental car landscape. Items up for discussion will include brand loyalty, consumer choice and the market’s changes to shifting expectations.
J.D. Power has been proven to be an advocate of the overall travel industry. The company released annual surveys such as how major car rental companies have done in meeting the needs of consumers. It also at one point bestowed a customer satisfaction award onto Bluebird.
Two Seminars Cancelled
ICRS organizers added that two seminars, ‘Improving the Experience in the Digital Age and How Car Rental Can Supply’ and ‘Profit from Vehicles as a Service’, have been cancelled after speakers indicated travel restrictions have made it impossible to attend the event. Speakers from other seminars have also expressed regrets over not being able to show up. However, those events will still go ahead as planned. Another change will see Midway Auto Group President Gary Macdonald speaking at the American Car Rental Association engagement.
The Covid-19 virus has also curtailed appearances by a few vendors. The ICRS has nevertheless confirmed that at least 100 exhibitors will still be able to show up. One of them is Bluebird Auto Rental Systems, which will be showcasing its RentWorks Mobile system and divulge progress being made involving joint ventures with CarCloud, CRX, GTS, RentalMatics, Worldpay and Zubie. The Bluebird team will be in booth no.323, along with sister company Thermeon, a fellow auto rental software solution provider.