Automotive Social Media Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Bluebird Auto Rental Software

3 Great Automotive Dealer Marketing Sites

As a car dealer, it is of high importance to stay ahead of your competition. Thankfully, staying up-to-date with industry trends, news, and marketing innovations has become easier than ever. Here are 5 great automotive dealer marketing websites to keep you in the forefront in your respective market(s). Automotive Dealer Marketing Blog #1: This

Automotive Internet Marketing: Keys to Managing Social Media Accounts

Automotive internet marketing means having a presence across as many relevant social media outlets as possible. This can become a daunting task and organization is key. Make your automotive internet marketing easier with advice from Bluebird Auto Rental Systems. Use Social Media Management tools to organize your social media accounts: When it comes to automotive internet

Automotive Marketing Ideas: 5 Great Twitter Chats To Attend

When looking for great automotive marketing ideas, attending Twitter chats can be a vital tool to learning about the cutting-edge of digital marketing – along with great conversation with industry leaders.   What is a twitter chat?. According to a Twitter Chat is as follows: A Twitter tweet chat is a pre-arranged chat that happens on

Automotive Digital Marketing: 5 Facebook Contest Considerations

When it comes to automotive digital marketing, it is hard to garner buzz as a car rental company. Some companies may turn to contests as a way to create said buzz. However, there are some things you need to consider – especially on Facebook. 1. “Share this” and/or “Like this” go against Facebook’s policy. We

Automotive Online Marketing: How Thrifty South Africa Dominates Facebook
December 10, 2013

Automotive Online Marketing: How Thrifty South Africa Dominates Facebook

During our 2013 Users’ Conference we had the pleasure of having Thrifty South Africa in our attendance. We were incredibly surprised, and a bit jealous, to see the type of numbers they were boasting on their Facebook Page, with that in mind we thought we would share just how they dominate automotive online marketing Thrifty South

Automotive Social Media: 3 Tips For Creating Premium Content For Facebook

In our last installment observing automotive social media, and more specifically Facebook, we learned how to get the ball rolling and get your business on the largest social media outlet in the world. In this edition we will learn how to create premium content for Facebook. After all you want your customers coming back, and

Automotive Social Media: How to Get Started on Facebook

There are over 15 million businesses on Facebook, if you don’t want to be left out (and you don’t) here are the essential steps to getting your automotive social media plan started on Facebook. In terms of automotive social media presence, the usual manufacturers have already made their footprint, but in the auto rental industry