
Automotive Marketing Ideas: 5 Great Twitter Chats To Attend

When looking for great automotive marketing ideas, attending Twitter chats can be a vital tool to learning about the cutting-edge of digital marketing – along with great conversation with industry leaders.


What is a twitter chat?. According to a Twitter Chat is as follows:

Twitter tweet chat is a pre-arranged chat that happens on Twitter through the use of Twitter updates (called tweets) that include a predefined hashtag to link those tweets together in a virtual conversation.

These conversations are normally led by a moderator who presents a question and/or topic and the participants are asked to answer the questions, and give their insight. As you can figure, these translate in participants learning something new every session.

Here is an example on how Bluebird Auto Rental Systems uses Twitter chats to spark automotive marketing ideas!

Here are five of the most crucial Twitter chats to attend when seeking to spark automotive marketing ideas.

1. #ContentChat – Mondays from 3:00-4:00pm EST

Moderators: @JeniseFryatt, @MitchellBeer and @SmarterShft

This twitter chat is great for marketing advice, but can be used for more specific automotive marketing ideas. The chat features guest experts on topics such as: social media, content management, and community building.

Here is an example from one of the latest #ContentChat sessions:

2. #ExpoChat – Tuesdays from 12:00-1:00pm EST

Moderator: @tracibrowne

This weekly chat centers around the world of trade shows, something that is very vital to the automotive industry. Here you can learn what takes place on the expo floor, and how you can translate that into great automotive marketing ideas during and after said trade show.

 3. #InfluenceChat – Thursdays from 12:00-1:00pm EST

Moderator:  @fredmcclimans 

When seeking for great automotive marketing ideas, it would be foolish to not consider the influence of reputation in social media. With this chat, you can learn just that.

4.  #SMChat – Wednesdays from 1:00 – 2:00pm EST

Moderator: @sourvepov

Learn how to translate globally used social media practices into automotive marketing ideas with #SMChat. It’s a discussion on the power of social media among active participants and social media strategists. If you are interested in creating automotive marketing ideas and acting upon them this is the chat for you. In this chat you will learn how social media can drive your business’ value.

5. #CarChat – Wednesdays from 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST

Moderator: Unavailable

As you can see Twitter chats focus on very specific subjects, and #CarChat is no exception. This chat focuses on cars and the automotive industry as a whole. However, conversation this chat can lead to automotive marketing ideas for your business – all the while learning about trends in our respective industry.


If you find that you want to attend more Twitter chats in order to spark automotive marketing ideas, please visit this link for a full schedule of Twitter chats. Also, follow @ChatSalad for daily reminders on upcoming Twitter chats.

To keep yourself organized while searching for automotive marketing ideas on Twitter, use a service like to find, and engage with, the Twitter chat you are looking for!

We participate in #B2BChat every Thursday from 8:00 to 9:00pm EST to discuss our automotive marketing ideas, join us by following our Twitter account today!